Class Schedule for 2025
Session 1: Jan 9 - Feb 20
Session 2: Feb 27 - Apr 10
Session 3: Apr 24 - Jun 5
Session 4: Jun 12 - Jul 31
Session 5: Aug 7 - Sep 18
Session 6: Sep 25 - Nov 6
Next class session starts January 9, 2025
Orientation for all classes is at 6:00 p.m. Otherwise, Basic and Puppy classes are at 6:45 p.m. Thursday evenings. 6:00 p.m. classes will be added if enrollment is high. Most specialty classes will be at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $75.00 for the seven-week course for the public, $55.00 for members. We meet at New Life Church, and the address is 2011 W. 10th Street in Marion, IN.
So you're interested in joining a dog training session?
Here's what you need:
For Registration night:
-Printed (see link below) Space is limited, so if forms aren't filled out ahead, you may miss the chance to get in line to register before all the spots are filled. We want you to have every opportunity to train!
- A copy of your up-to-date shot record for us to keep
(If you don't have this, we can't allow you to register.)
- Payment, cash or check, made out to MVOTC.
- Do NOT bring your dog on registration night. We'll be having a great evening of learning and watching dog demos. Dogs will start with Week 2.
- Please note our class sessions are now 7 week sessions. Please plan to be there the entire time to make sure you can earn your certification at the end.
Skills to prepare for training
We realize that waiting can be hard, however there is no need to sit around waiting for classes to start so you can train your dog. You have the ability to help your dog now! One good website is AKC's Virtual Home Manners.
Try these skills:
Sit - make sure they are placing their hind end right beside your left leg, headed the same direction you are. If they don't sit that way at first, gently move their hind end into position and say sit.
Heel - "Heel" is a location - It is right at your side by your heel. You want them to be close to you but not knocking you over as you walk or stand.
Down - This means they are lying on the floor.
Help them learn to be comfortable wearing a leash. We will teach you techniques for "loose lead" walking, but it is good if they can get comfortable wearing a leash before you come to class.
Take them with you to places that are dog friendly (Tractor Supply, Lowes, and others) so that they can get more comfortable around others, as well as other dogs. Socialization is extremely important!
It is best to fill out your registration form before coming to orientation. You may print off the forms and bring them to enrollment or you may also fill out the application at registration night. Please make sure to bring your shot records and payment (check or cash), along with these forms to registration if you choose to print them out. A copy of shot records MUST be present at time of registration in order for registration to be submitted.

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class
10 weeks of age (age appropriate shots must have been administered) to one year of age. (Large breed dogs over six months of age should register in the Basic Class.) Your dog will learn skills like stay, settle, controlled walking, leave it, down, come, off, and more. You'll also learn about good puppy care, crate training, exercising your dog, helping your dog be free of aggression, how to help your dog react to distractions, grooming, and so much more. When you and your dog complete this class, you will have learned all the skills you need to achieve the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certification. Learn more here.
Basic Class
Dogs 1 yr + OR having passed S.T.A.R. Puppy. This is a more involved class than puppy and will help your dog learn skills that will help them be successful in every part of their lives. This class will teach them: sit stay, down stay, come, heel, weaving, figure 8's, recalls, sitting politely for petting, off, leave it, stand, and turns. When your dog completes this class, he or she will have learned many of the skills for the Canine Good Citizen Test. You will want to continue working on the skills for the Canine Good Citizen test by coming to Novice class and/or attending the CGC class. Learn more about Canine Good Citizen class here.
Novice Class
Novice Class is the next step after basic and a fantastic way to keep learning and growing with your dog. We meet weekly and expand on the training from puppy and basic classes, as well as learn new skills, play games, and lots more! Novice is a continuous class that can be entered at any time. Please tell the instructor what your goals are for coming to Novice--socialization, competition, Canine Good Citizen, etc. Novice is a Members Only class. There is no charge for members to participate in this class.
Rally Class
Depending on interest, we offer beginning and advanced Rally classes. The cost is $75 for the public and $55 for members. In the introduction class, you will learn how to begin showing in Rally competitions, learning the signs, how to perform the exercises, navigating a course, developing teamwork with your dog. You will also learn how to find upcoming Rally Trials and how to enter when you are ready. This is a fun way to begin competing with your dog! More times will be added when they are available.
Fit Dog Class
Fit dog class teaches you how to be more fit and exercise more with your dog. Science suggests that when you and your dog exercise together, you're more likely to keep fit. This class will be a combination of in class exercises and group walks. We do not have a Fit Dog class scheduled currently, but we do have some events coming up. Please contact us for more information.
Trick Dog
Trick dog is a class to help your dog learn tricks. You'll learn 15 tricks and be able to complete the testing to earn your Trick Dog Title. Your dog must pass the test to receive the title. Cost is $75 for the public and $55 for members. Additional classes might be available throughout the year, space permitting.
Scent work
Scent work is offered once a year, more often if space permits. The cost is $90 for the public and $70 for members. Cost is more due to the purchase of extra supplies. This class teaches you the skills necessary to begin your dog's AKC scent work journey. You will learn how to teach the dog to identify a scent and learn to read his alerts. We will teach you the rules of competing in a trial. The introductory class will train in the first level of AKC Scent Work (Containers). However, more classes might be added.
CGC Class with Testing
We offer CGC training three times a year, before each testing date that we offer. The level of class offered depends upon interest. This class offers training for each of the skills evaluated in the CGC Evaluation. You will do run throughs in the settings that you will encounter during your dog's evaluation. At the end of the class, your dog will receive its AKC CGC Evaluation. Upon successful completion of the evaluation, you will receive the paperwork to submit to the AKC for your dog's CGC title. More advanced classes might be offered off-site.
CD Prep Class
Do you wonder if you're ready to begin showing in Obedience? This class prepares you to show your dog in your first AKC Obedience Trial. Find out what is expected at an AKC Obedience trial. Learn how to fine tune and proof your dog's training. Do actual run throughs of the required novice heeling patterns. Learn the rules and how to make the most of your run. Learn how to find a show to enter and how to fill out the required entry forms.